Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Say hi to Veronica and Meet Keenan Rossi

Today I am pleased to have fellow Candy Hearts author, Veronica Lynch, visiting. She's brought Keenan Rossi, from For Keeps, with her. 

Hi, Keenan. Tell us a bit about For Keeps.  It is the story of me and Meghan Muldoon, how we met and how, through events beyond my control, she decided to 'keep me'.

What did you think the first time you saw Meg? It was at the beginning of the monthly Crime Stats meeting, where reps from all local law enforcement agencies meet to discuss crime trends and share information on like crimes. This tall and leggy redhead walked in and my tongue hit the floor—along with every other guy's in the room. Then I dribbled hot coffee down the front of my shirt. Not a pretty picture.

What was your second thought? Once I peeled my eyes off her legs, I recognized she was the woman my mother always warned me about. The problem after that was making her accept the facts.

What do you like most about her? She's not intimidated by men who wield their  power with a club—or other body parts located below their belt buckles. I don't mean that she's a ball buster, but she knows what she wants, how to get it and isn't afraid to go for it.

Why do you think that is? She spent a lot of time with the US Air Force's Office of Special Investigations. Not an easy road for a woman but she held her own among some pretty nasty situations.

How would you describe her? Smart, savvy and compassionate with legs that go clear to her ear lobes.

How would Meghan describe you? Career-focused, intense, and if things don't go my way I tend to pout. Truth be told, I haven't pouted in at least five days.  

What made you choose law enforcement for a career? Like Meggie, I spent a few years with the military though I was a lowly MP. After I mustered out of the service, police work seemed like the natural course. I've never regretted the choice.

Who is your favorite fictional character and why? My current terrific three are Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers, both written by John Sandford, and Mitch Rapp, created by the late Vince Flynn. I like Davenport's humor and wouldn't mind having some of his money [he's the richest cop in Minnesota]. I envy Virgil's easy manner with women. And I like Mitch because he's not afraid to speak his mind to a superior, even if it's the director of the CIA or the President [of the United States]. If I'd mouthed off to a superior like Mitch does on a regular basis, I'd probably have been shot—or sent to the brig for the rest of my life.  

Last question, Keenan: when you want to romance Meg, what do you do? That's an easy one: I turn on “Heavenly”, her favorite Johnny Mathis CD, pour her a big glass of Merlot and drop a couple dozen yellow roses in her lap. Watch out.

What a softy. Now, we have a few questions for Veronica. What movies or books have had an impact on your career as a writer? As a teenager I read Mila 18 by Leon Uris and was so touched, I checked Exodus out of the school library. In my adult years, he continued to affect me with QB VII, Trinity and Redemption. They knocked my socks off.
As for movies, I have an eclectic list: Miracle; Steel Magnolias; The Official Story [this is about the consequences of Argentina's Dirty War]; Defiance; The Stoning of Soraya M; Major League and Veronica Guerin.

What event in your private life were you able to bring to this story and how do you feel it impacted the story? For more years than I can count I was closely involved with our local rape advocacy program. Forming effective, positive working relationships with police officers was often like patrolling the DMZ, watching my back and keeping an eye out for land mines. It was. . . the best of times—but for many reasons, not the most healthy for me personally. The phone call between Keenan and Meg early on in the story really happened, minus the sexual innuendos. I still get a smile on my face when I think about the cop who scared himself.    

Tell us a bit about your publisher. I have been associated with The Wild Rose Press almost since its inception. I was previously published by Wings Press. After I saw the way editors at TWRP operate, I obtained the rights to the books I had with Wings and brought them over to TWRP. I've never regretted the move. I have a great editor, Nicole D'Arienzo, who knows the ins and outs of good editing. I appreciate her insight and ideas for making my writing stronger.

What project[s] are you working on now? I hope to self-publish a reunion trilogy soon. 
What's up next for you? I'm working on a marriage of convenience story, another Vintage Rose, titled At Last. It's set in one of my favorite places on earth: Saranac Lake in the Adirondack Mountains of Northern New York State.

For Keeps? Blurb:

Meghan Muldoon is at a crossroads: struggling to balance the demands of a high stress vocation as an advocate for victims of violence and her feelings for Keenan Rossi, a man who wants to make their relationship permanent. 

On Valentine's Day, a series of routine crises force Meg to question staying in a profession which fulfills her both professionally and spiritually--or devoting the rest of her life to the one person who completes her. 

Which one is For Keeps?

To purchase For Keeps, go to: www.thewildrosepress.com

To learn more about Veronica Lynch and the stories she creates, go to:

Author Info:
To learn more about Veronica Lynch and the stories she creates, go to:


  1. Keenan, we have the same tastes in books. Veronica, good luck with FOR KEEPS as well as your other books.

    1. Hi, Sandra. Thanks for stopping by. Yep, Keenan knows a winner when he finds one, not only in women but in writers.

  2. "I haven't pouted in at least five days." I love it! Powerful characters with difficult decisions? Sounds like Veronica Lynch at her best!

    1. Thanks, Kate
      Keenan is a pouter from the word go--though clearly he'd rather no one mentioned that particular character defect.
      thanks for stopping by.

  3. Such a darling character interview! Loved it! Sounds like a darling book!

    1. Thanks, Hebby
      this is one of my all time faves so far. Keenan and Meg captured my heart from the word go.
      thanks for stopping by

  4. Love Keenan's voice. I can really get a feel for him and he seems like the kind of guy who would be fun to hang around with. Best wishes for FOR KEEPS!

    1. Hey, MJ
      the cop whom Keenan is patterned after was a lot of fun to hang with. Plus, in a weak moment, he disclosed he liked Nora Roberts.
      Imagine my surprise.
      Thanks for stopping by

  5. Love these characters. Hope you have great sales.

    1. Katherine
      thanks for stopping by. It's good to hear from you.

  6. Kennan is definitely a keeper! What a cutie!
