Monday, January 9, 2017

New Year - Take Two

No, I didn’t screw up last week and need a do-over. Today is the first day all three of my kids are back at school since the holidays, so for me this is the real start to the new year. Actually, that’s not quite right. I consider my year to start when their school year does and since today is the first day of their second semester, I guess it’s mine as well.

First semester was good, not great. I’d give myself a B+. Not bad, but room for improvement. I could write more, have more patience and be more organized in all aspects of my life. I scoured Pinterest the last few weeks looking for inspiration and motivation. I saved, liked and pinned all the interesting and challenging posts about ways to purge, organize, and focus in the new year. I boiled it down to changing my daily ‘to-do’ list. As of today it is now broken down into three categories – Must Do/Should Do/Want to Do.

So far I’ve accomplished the Musts since they were the suckiest. It felt good to get them over with early in the day. I’m three for five in the Should department. Not bad for noon. The only thing on my Wants today is to read. I’ll consider that done since I plan to leave early to pick up the youngest from school. I rationalize that I need a good parking spot, but everyone knows I’m reading for fifteen minutes before the bell rings.

The downside – tomorrow’s Musts are already taunting me. I’ll give it a week and if it needs tweaking, I’ll tweak. Since I’m both the student and the teacher with this assignment, I'll reassess in a month and scrap it for the old laundry list if it's not working. I'm shooting for an A, but this may turn out to be a pass/fail semester.

I wish everyone reading this has the year they strive for and hope you get to your Wants list every day.